Even eating becomes exhausting when you’re chronically ill – never mind preparing a meal. But you still need food to survive, and it can’t just be takeout. These energy-saving cooking tips are here to show you how you can still eat properly without needing to recuperate all your spoons just in time for your next

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After a chronic illness diagnosis, you need support from your loved ones, now more than ever. But often, it feels like you’re left with fewer people around than you had when you started – leaving lingering trust and abandonment issues.As hard as it is, we’re going to discuss how you can overcome these feelings so

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When you are first diagnosed with a chronic illness, you don’t expect boredom to sneak up on you so intensely – but it does. The things that that you like doing are not often feasible anymore, and you need ample rest. But doing something like watching TV will only entertain you for so long –

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If you live with chronic illness, the holidays might not feel like such a joyous occasion to look forward to, but rather an event you dread. While everyone reunites, celebrates, and share traditions with family and friends. A chronic illness can make you feel like you need to put on a healthy façade, but it

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I won’t sugar coat it – using a cane when you’re chronically ill is tough. Sure, you might run into some physical challenges, but that’s not what I’m talking about. It’s tough because it’s a huge psychological adjustment, and people around you may not make it easier. So, if you’re struggling with the thought of

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Caring for someone with a chronic illness isn’t something that comes with a manual. The emotional toll it has on everyone involved is intense, and you will feel drained, misunderstood, guilty, frustrated and overwhelmed at some point. Although this is a teething process, there are certain things you can do right away as a caregiver

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Studying for anything when you are chronically ill feels like a monstrous task. Not only does your body work against you, but things like brain fog make it harder to retain any information you learn. But it’s not impossible – I promise. Hold onto that determination to further your education because I have some awesome

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Chronic illness and good sleep never go hand-in-hand. In fact, your health has the power to interrupt your sleep cycle dramatically. Eventually, sleepless nights and restless days leave you in a state of permanent fatigue from when you wake up. So, when you wake up already drained or sore – it can be hard to

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Office distractions are unavoidable. But a disability poses an extra set of daily obstacles that can make it even trickier to get stuff done. That’s why making your office wheelchair-friendly will help you use your time more effectively. If this is what you want but don’t know where to start, here are some tips to

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So you’re thinking of going to the beach? Good! It’s an awesome idea. But before you book your vacation ticket, there are a few things you need to get right if you’ve got chronic pain and want to handle a trip successfully. I love the beach and it’s a passion that I share with my whole

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